Thursday, September 27

Questions answered by me

1. How did the human race start, when and why?

My Short Answer:

How: We are a genetically engineered species created by a far more superior species

When: Very Debatable - (Adam and Eve) - (Egyptian Gods - i.e RA)

Why: Slave Race / Experiment / Simply a helping hand from a more advanced

2. What is happening behind the scenes on our planet?

We're not alone - Need I say more (At this stage) ? OK - What created us, may be walking amongst us

3. Do you think you know the answer to what the human race should be expecting within the next 10 years?

There are a few debatable options here, BUT - I will give my view:

Our Solar system has one more planet - Fact (Acknowledged by NASA)

That one planet has an orbit with a difference - Fact (Acknowledged by NASA)

That orbit around the sun takes about 3600 Years - (Acknowledged by NASA)

Ice Ages seem to come and go - approximately every 3600 years

The Second coming (as in the bible) + The next Ice Age is actually due...But that's according to the bible and the Calendars we use. But if enough research is done on the Ancient Sumerians and the Mayans, it would become evident that we should be expecting "The second coming" and the next "ice age" in the region of 2012. Not only that, earth is due a pole shift, which amazingly also happens around every 3600 years. If everything is tied together, it becomes very evident that the extra planet in our solar system triggers the pole shift, due to its path and interference with Earth. It also becomes evident that the second coming has something to do with this extra planet. This extra planet is called Nibiru, it has other names but I like this one so let's stick to it. Nibiru is currently being watched VERY closely by certain governments around the world, not just because its interesting, but because they know of things we don't. I've concluded that everything busy happening, that will keep unfolding towards 2012 and after, will be the biggest event in our history. The biggest question is, what exactly is going to happen?

Even the predictions made by Nostradamus, for the years leading up to 2012 are in line with the events that Science is expecting due to the passing of Nibiru - Earth Quakes, Tsunami's, Polar Shift etc etc - But to the extreme - Nostradamus also predicted 2/3's of the human race will be wiped out - Science has predicted the same.

These are short answers, I'll expand after we've had some feedback from Free Thinkers.


1. How did the human race start, when and why?

2. What is happening behind the scenes on our planet?

3. Do you think you know the answer to what the human race should be expecting within the next 10 years?

I'll explain to you what I know so far, and IF it's true, it would be wise to start standing together against everything that is against the Truth. I do not wish to create a blog full of nonsense, I wish to find the answers that so many of us are seeking.

If you are in any way offended by this blog, please do not read it, as it will continue to do so.

Everyone is entitled to their own views and beliefs which should be respected - Both ways.


Let's get going...


The AIM of this blog is to find the truth by combining the views of all the open minded free thinkers around the world - A truth that matters

I would like to start this blog with 3 questions